Powerful solutions for all wood materials

Highly profitable equipment for greater productivity: Waste wood processing with Doppstadt!

Waste wood processing

The efficient and economical processing of waste wood calls for adapting systems and equipment to suit the wide variety of challenges. A high degree of purity at low operating costs are in demand for fully leveraging the potential of wood as a resource.

Doppstadt consults, plans and engineers powerful package solutions that are precisely adapted to the requirements on site and which integrate existing components, including impressive services for a future-proof and successful operation.

Waste wood is a valuable resource, the processing of which is becoming more and more important. Waste wood includes industrial scrap wood and used wood with a wood content of more than 50 % by mass, e.g.

  • Oversize bulky waste
  • Industrial waste wood
  • Waste from wood processing such as furniture industry, floor/ panel production
  • Wood packaging such as pallets, crates, cable drums
  • Construction and demolition wood such as solid wood, particle boards, formwork boards
  • Doors, windows, construction wood, railway sleepers
  • Scrap wood from gardening and landscaping
  • Waste wood from waste treatment facilities

Waste wood is used – depending on level of quality – to generate energy (incineration in biomass power plants) or as a resource (woodworking industry). Other possible uses include, e.g., composting or as base mulch product.

Waste wood recycling with Doppstadt offers

  • Mobile and stationary solutions for every requirement
  • Technical innovation and reliable operation
  • Less fines
  • Optimum screening for consistent quality
  • Lowest costs per ton

Our comprehensive consulting services are based on many years of experience, thus guaranteeing the perfect solution for every application, including of course the reliable Doppstadt service.

Contact us for your optimum recycling solution now!


A solution for all wood materials

Waste wood is residual wood from industry (wood residues from woodworking and processing businesses and wood composites) and used wood (products made of solid wood, manufactured board and wood composites)with a wood content of more than 50 percente by weight.Waste wood is usually either used as an energy source via combustion in a power plant or recycled as secondary material for wood based products. Other uses are for example as mulch base or as structure in composting processes.

A solution for all wood materials


Category A I

Wood left in its natural state or only mechanically processed (negligible contamination with non-wood substances)


Category A II

Glued, painted, coated, varnished or otherwise treated wood without organohalogen compounds in the coating and without wood preservatives


Category A III

Wood with organohalogen compounds in the coating, without wood preservatives


Category A IV

Wood treated with wood preservatives such as railway sleepers, electricity poles, hop poles, vine poles and other waste wood with chemical polution